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Repairs Your Generator May Need

With the colder weather season approaching, you will probably start thinking more about your whole-house generator and if it is ready for the possibilities of power outages during stormy weather or other emergencies. A generator that needs repairs and is in danger of failing the moment it’s first needed is no better than no generator at all, so make sure that you have all necessary repairs for the system done before winter arrives.

The best way to discover if your generator needs repair work is to arrange for regular maintenance. You should always have an inspection and tune-up for the system during the fall so a technician can find out if there are any repairs the generator needs done.

To schedule maintenance for your generator, call Celco Heating and Air Conditioning. We specialize in maintenance, repair, and generator installation for Norwalk, CT.

What sort of repairs might a generator require before the winter? Here are few of the more common ones:

Sealing leaks

If your generator uses stored heating fuel (propane, oil, gasoline), it might develop leaks if left without attention for too long or if it sustains damage due to the weather. Technicians will locate any places where leaking is occurring during a maintenance check and handle the repairs to seal them up.

Repairing natural gas fuel line

If a connection to a municipal natural gas line is available, most homes rely on gas-powered generators because of their convenience and dependability. However, it’s possible for low-flow in the gas line to impair performance, or for the line to become blocked. Technicians can safely resolve this problem. (It is very important that you do not try to tamper with a natural gas line on your own.)

Replacing corroded spark plugs

Spark plugs can suffer from corrosion, causing them to fail. Usually, repair technician will simply replace the corroded plugs for new ones.

Lubricating motors

The motors inside the generator need to have occasional lubrication to keep them from suffering from mechanical stress and possibly burning out.

Fixing electrical components

Like spark plugs, the wiring in a generator can start to corrode over time, and this will affect the proper flow of voltage. Wiring can also fray, severing connections. Technicians will replace and tighten wiring where necessary.

Keep in mind that if your generator received poor, amateur installation in the first place, it will either encounter problems with overloading your home’s circuit breaker panel or fail to provide you with adequate power when you need it. There is usually little that can be done to repair a generator that is the wrong size for a home, and often the best route is to have professionals replace it with a new unit. If you think the only way to solve the repair problems is with new generator installation in Norwalk, CT, contact Celco Heating and Air Conditioning. We offer full service for generators and have 24-emergency service so your back-up generator is ready whenever you need it.

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