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Celco Heating and Air Conditioning

You Can Boost Your HVAC Efficiency!

money-balanceIt really does not matter if you are talking about heating your home in the winter or cooling it in the summer—you want to do both in an affordable manner. While our frigid winter weather may be more notable than our summer season, the fact of the matter is that both our ACs and heaters are equally important. The last thing that you want to do is to live in discomfort just because you are worried about very high heating and cooling costs causing you financial strain.

That is why the professionals on our team have put together some tips to help you boost efficiency when heating and cooling your home. Residents throughout the area know that they can turn to us for all things HVAC in Milford, CT. From helping you to choose your new HVAC systems to guarantee that those systems are installed properly in your home every step of the way, our goal is always your 100% satisfaction.

Ceiling Fans Are Not Just for Decoration

Yes, ceiling fans can add a nice design flourish to a room. However, ceiling fans are definitely as much about function as they are about fashion—if not more so! If you have ceiling fans at your disposal and you are not using them throughout the entire year, then you are doing yourself a major disservice.

In the summer, you want your ceiling fans running counterclockwise in order to help keep cooled air moving throughout the house. By reversing the direction in which your ceiling fan’s blades spin in the winter—just flip the switch on the housing—you can force warm air back down into the living area. It won’t heat or cool your air directly, of course, but it does take some strain off of your HVAC systems.

Use Natural Heat Transfer to Your Benefit!

When you leave the house in the morning, do you take a moment to adjust your blinds or curtains as appropriate? If not, you are missing out on one of the simplest ways in which to boost efficiency. By using your window coverings to regulate your heat gain/loss, you can really start to scale back your energy costs.

In the summer, use heavy shades to block out the sun during the hottest time of the day. In the winter, you can let the sun in to provide some free radiant heat to your home, and closing them at night will help to trap that heat in! Yes, it sounds simple—and it is! That does not mean, however, that it is not effective.

Schedule Routine Maintenance

We’ve said it before and you better believe that we’ll be saying it again. There is no better way in which to get more out of your HVAC systems than by scheduling routine heating and air conditioning maintenance. This keeps your systems working as close to peak efficiency levels as possible. It also keeps repair needs as few and far between as possible, helping to cut back on those costs, too!

Schedule your HVAC services with Celco Heating and Air Conditioning.

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